Tom Martindale


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Welcome friends...
Glad you made it.

Welcome to my outpost on the web, and the home of my current CD, State of Mind. (Hopefully more CDs will follow.) Inside you'll find pictures, a bio, a guestbook, and info on where to buy State of Mind. On the jukebox page, you can hear samples of each song...

so lets get rolling!

State of Mind
About my first album...

This CD was a long time in the making. There's a lot to listen to on it, and I'm glad that listeners are liking it.

In some ways, State of Mind began in 1986 - but it was mostly recorded between May and October 2001.

It was a long-distance project, and for reasons that shall remain a mystery, mixing, mastering, and production weren't finished till November 2003. There's more than one perfectionist in the mix. Everyone involved also works for a living, so it was something of a spare-time thing . . . but . . . we made the best of the time. This sucker's packed with peanuts!

The album has some songs I've been playing live around central Ohio since the mid-80s. People sing along with these songs at gigs, so they feel like oldies. But there's also newer songs that show where my head was when they were written and recorded.

It's a bit of a "production" studio album that carries the songs further than my band could onstage. But there are also a couple songs in a more stripped-down acoustic vein - which is more like the direction I'm headed now.

And all of it comes straight from my gut, the only music I know how to make. It's as honest a piece of work as I can do.

I like it. When you like it, that makes it even better.

State of Mind
includes the following tracks.
(Check out the jukebox to hear snips.)

Someone Else's Slave
Color Me Blue
Forever Yours
Clown Song
Life's a Bitch
State of Mind
Perry County
Little Man
Nothin's For Sure
Colonel Lee
Looking for a Hero

State of Mind
is an exclusive release of

Ever pulled your hair out?
Yeah. Me too.