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I'd like to share with you some poetry . She calls it free-style... I don't know about that but I do know its good reading and worth sharing. I'll throw a couple up at a time and change them out on a weekly basis. Enjoy... 


Of You - America's Soldier

Of You - My Child


Just as the sun peaks above the horizon

 my thoughts carry me to another place

For my eyes have yet to open

as my heart begins to paint

the curves of your face

With each breath of life spilling out

sheer anxiety into my mothering thoughts

 I bathe myself in hope and prayer

to cleanse away my fears

For amidst dark shadows in my mind

lies my faith of so many years

For in a mother's soul

lives a love no other shall know

So with silence around me I listen

as angels guide my heart,

enriching me with warmth

Through miles of dry land, across open seas

they carry me

 As my lips without moving whisper your name

to dust you once again with my eternal love,

 falling to rest in the bosom of your chest

In this spell binding moment

I know God has felt my pain

The sun now fully shinning across my memories portrait

of a child I once cradled in my arms

Now lies cradled in my heart

As each night with prayer my candle I light,

to guide, to protect as angels lie in watch

Of you - America's soldier

Of you - my child



2/8/03   By: Lynn Martindale






The Two Of Us


both of us

lie in silence,

i can feel warmth from your body

as it presses gently to the coldness of mine

i know you must feel my heart

as it is pounding so hard

to the warmth of your breath

as it

falls so softly upon my neck

your stillness, cutting my every inch

as seconds seem like hours

this, i think, could be

my darkest hour


the unexpected moment

of your touch





To The Angels, She Did Cry


In the darkness of her room -

she stares out her window to gaze upon the moon

Upon her chest, her hand she did lay

and to the angels, she did cry,

can you too, feel my broken heart,

can you see into the window of my soul

Can you too, see the pleading for his love in my eyes

And all the while -

tears of how she needed him did flow

Ever so steadily,

their streams traced the warmth of her cheeks

Falling to rest -

upon the softness of her lips

Again, to the angels, she did cry

can you too, taste my pain

And then to God in heaven, she did pray -

If his will to love me has gone,

could you please release me -

could you please lead me home

Her hand from her chest she did not move

Her eyes again, shifted to gaze upon the moon,

while in her heart, softness fell

and in the wisper of her breath -

she called his name

While there in darkness,

with the moon outside her window-

she did lay


12/30/ 03 By: Lynn Martindale






Echoes Of Spring


Echoes of spring -

Stirring graciously atop dandelions

Bringing promises of lilac

to surrender its scent outside my door



I can no longer feel - nor define reality

As false hope claims every corner of my mind

And before too long -

I'm sure to fade through the cracks of time

And as the rising of the sun delivers a new day

My life's pages will have been erased


My face once seen beneath moon struck skies

Shall cast a faint shadow upon your eyes

as you gaze into a warm summers night

My breath shall be

that warming breeze brushing your cheek

My lips shall smother the taste of your cold beer

For I shall tip toe ever so softly

through the walls of your mind

And as your night nears the end

you will have my scent upon your skin

You will have felt my love again

Like echoes of spring


4/20/03  By: Lynn Martindale





                                          An Evening Drive


In the early evening hours

As the sun leans down to kiss the earth

You can see natures hues begin to change

as it spills with richness

Upon the soft meadow's grass

Spread out with magnificent beauty

As if laid upon a painted tapestry

Illustrated by brilliant strokes of an artist

You are drawn to its depth  - its true simplicity

As dark green sways -

Gently caressed by a breeze - on a warm spring day

A perfect picture of nature's re-birth

As on the meadows top

Each tree stands proud and graceful

As the sun dances through each new leaf

Their years of history casting shadows upon the ground

Where thousands of on-lookers have roamed -

While little country roads always leading somewhere -

Sweep us into peaceful surroundings

Breathing in the spring -

Enjoying our time

I sat by your side -

While you drove


5/7/02   By:  Lynn Martindale